Sutra on Profound Kindness of Parents and Difficulties in Repaying 佛說父母恩難報經

C$2 000.00
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Artist: Jiangang Su

Sutra on Profound Kindness of Parents and Difficulties in Repaying 佛說父母恩難報經

ink on hemp paper
77x 40cm framed

闻如是:一时,婆伽婆在舍卫城祇树给孤独园。尔时世尊告诸比丘:“父母于子,有大增益,乳哺长养,随时将育,四大得成。右肩负父、左肩负母,经历千年,正使便利背上,然无有怨心于父母,此子犹不足报父母恩。若父母无信,教令信,获安隐处;无戒,与戒教授,获安隐处;不闻,使闻教授,获安隐处;悭贪,教令好施,劝乐教授,获安隐处;无智慧,教令黠慧,劝乐教授,获安隐处。如是信如来.至真.等正觉.明行成为.善逝.世间解.无上士.道法御.天人师.号佛世尊,教信法教授,获安隐处。诸法甚深,现身获果,义味甚深。如是智者,明通此行,教令信圣众。如来圣众,甚清净行,直不曲常和合,法法成就,戒成就、三昧成就、智慧成就、解脱成就、解脱见慧成就。所谓圣众:四双八辈,是谓如来圣众,最尊最贵,当尊奉敬仰,是世间无上福田。如是诸子!当教父母行慈。诸比丘有二子:所生子、所养子,是谓比丘有二子。是故诸比丘!当学所生子,口出法味。如是诸比丘,当作是学。” 尔时诸比丘闻佛所说,欢喜奉行。


鈐印:健剛私印, 鶴壽

Jiangang Su (born in 1974), graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology in Arts and Crafts. He specializes in traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy and seal carving. In the 1980s, he studied under Mr. Yan Gongda, a famous calligrapher and seal carver. Su is also an experienced art educator. His works are collected internationally and appear in the private collections of many art institutions and galleries. In 2017 he served as the Art Director of the Canada 150th Anniversary International Tea Festival. Su is a member of Jiangsu Calligraphers Association, the Suzhou Calligraphers Association, and is a senior registered Teacher of China.

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