monique.We gonna be partners in crime for ever

Monique Zhang – Artist Biography

Monique Zhang is working and living in Richmond BC. She started learning drawing and academic painting at early age of 13. While she holds a graphic design degree, her heart and soul have always been devoted to painting and drawing.


Monique Zhang – Artist Statement

At a certain point in life, a subtle regression to childhood occurs. Memories transcend time and space, drifting back into the depths of our souls. I strive to capture the fleeting, joyful moments of juvenile, it is blurred and elusive, as if they never existed, yet vividly real in our memories.

Inspired by conversations with my late father, my paintings invite viewers into the realm of childhood, revealing its secrets through the simplest colours. Each piece evokes the innocence and purity of those cherished days, allowing a reconnection with the essence of youthful wonder.



2022 Emily Carr University Art + Design, Mixed Media Painting, Vancouver

2009 Swirl Fine Art and Design, Encaustic Painting Workshop, Calgary

2006 Alberta College of Art and Design, Oil Painting Techniques Course, Calgary

1989 – 1992 Harbin University, Graphic Design, China



2024 Daughter portrait, oil on canvas

2023 Natures Path, watercolour series

2022 Natures Path, watercolour series

2022 Love Crunch, acrylic series

2021 Qua Pasa, watercolour series

Monique Zhang – 艺术家简介

Monique Zhang ⼯作和⽣活在加拿⼤卑诗省的列治⽂市。从13岁开始,她便投⾝于绘画的世界。尽管她拥有平⾯设计学位,绘画和素描始终是她最钟爱的艺术表达⽅式。


Monique Zhang – 艺术家陈述





2022 艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计⼤学,混合媒材绘画课程,温哥华

2009 漩涡美术与设计画廊,混合媒材与蜡画⼯作坊,卡尔加⾥

2006 阿尔伯塔艺术与设计学院,油画技巧课程,卡尔加⾥

1989 – 1992 哈尔滨⼤学,平⾯设计专业,中国



2024 【女儿肖像】布面油画

2023 【自然之路】水彩系列

2022 【自然之路】水彩系列

2022 【爱的紧缩】丙烯画系列

2021 【Qua Pasa】水彩系列