Jia Bao Shen – Artist Biography

Jia Bao Shen, is a young artist based in Richmond, Canada. After completing her undergraduate degree in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, she channels her nocturnal musings into an evocative blend of gothic literature, dark fantasy, and the mesmerizing world beneath the sea. With a fervent focus on flowing landscapes, her art explores themes of ancient and futuristic worlds, colossal idols and cities submerged beneath the waves.

Her paintings are a symphony of contrasts, where steel flames meet coral islands, and natural contours fade into the misty forms of ancient ruins. These elements evoke a world lost to time, casting a veil of dreamlike memory fragments over desolate no-man’s lands, where life teeters on the edge of existence.

Jia Bao Shen’s work captures the soul of Eastern landscape painting, with its ethereal spirit of clouds, mist, and smoke, and the whimsical yet violent charm of Western Impressionist fantasy. Her art deconstructs and reimagines, drawing inspiration from the textured allure and demonic seduction of Tibetan Thangka.

Her creative process is an explosive collision of water and fire, absorbing diverse materials and influences to create something organically unique.

In her new 2024 series “ Surging Dragon · Departing Fire” inspired by the ancient Chinese text Chu Ci and the mythical figures of the White Dragon and Feathered Serpent, she brings to life the poetic line: “北有寒⼭,逴龙赩只” (“In the north, there are cold mountains, and the fierce dragon glows”). Through this series, she continues to weave a tapestry of past and future, reality and fantasy, inviting viewers into her hauntingly beautiful underwater realms.

沈嘉宝 – 艺术家简介




在她的 2024 全新系列“ 逴龙·离⽕“中,最早的灵感来源于古代中国的《楚辞》和⽩龙⽻蛇神的神话,她将诗句“北有寒⼭,逴龙赩只”栩栩如⽣地展现在画布上。通过这⼀系列,她将继续编织着过去与未来、现实与幻想的画卷,邀请观众进⼊她那令⼈陶醉的美丽海底世界。

Jia Bao Shen – Artist Statement

“To paint is to dream. In a world where art becomes affordable and abundant, art would flow like a river, accessible to all, allowing creators to thrive solely through their craft.

I am stepping into a new world on tip toes with daily advances in technology and innovative materialsThis dream attire, heralds a new era of creation. In this era, I can make art without hesitation, letting the world judge its worth while undeterred, I continue to create.

What is art but a shard of broken dreams? Collectors are awed, powers that be crouch, and in the face of both adoration and fear, the artist stands resilient. They may stone us or adore us, but our creations remain—a testament to the beauty of broken dreams and the wonders of imagination unleashed.”

—on the verge of a new world, Jia bao Shen 2024

沈嘉宝 – 艺术家陈述




艺术是什么,若不是破碎梦境的⼀⽚碎⽚?收藏者们惊叹,权⼒者们畏缩,在崇拜与恐惧 中,艺术家屹⽴不倒。他们可能会⽤⽯头砸我们,也可能会崇拜我们,但我们的创作依旧存在——那是破碎梦想之美和释放的想象⼒的见证。”

站在新世界的边缘    沈嘉宝 2024

Jia Bao Shen – CV

Born in 1994
Currently residing in Richmond, Canada


2012-2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts – School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA 2023-2024 Film Production – Vancouver Film School, Vancouver, Canada

Group Exhibitions

2023 Their Views, Lipton Gallery, Richmond, Canada
2024 Connection, Lipont Gallery, Richmond, Canada

沈嘉宝 – 艺术家陈述




2016年 美术学⼠学位 – 芝加哥艺术学院, 芝加哥,美国

2024年 影视制作 – 温哥华电影学院,卑诗省


2023 她视⾓:新晋⼥性艺术家联展, Lipont 画廊, 列治⽂,加拿⼤

2024 Connection, Lipont 画廊, 列治⽂,加拿⼤

2024 Allusive, Lipont 画廊, 列治⽂,加拿⼤

Jiabao Shen, Spring Tides (春潮), oil and acrylic on canvas 35.8 x 48 inches 2022
Jiabao Shen, Spring Tides (春潮), oil and acrylic on canvas 35.8 x 48 inches 2022
Jiabao Shen, Night Howl (夜哮), oil and mixed media on canvas 48 x 35.8 inches 2021
Jiabao Shen, Night Howl (夜哮), oil and mixed media on canvas 48 x 35.8 inches 2021
Jiabao Shen, Silent Lady (静女), acrylic on canvas 48 x 35.8 inches 2022
Jiabao Shen, Silent Lady (静女), acrylic on canvas 48 x 35.8 inches 2022