Running Script Calligraphy 行書冊頁

C$1 000.00
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Artist: Jiangang Su

Running Script Calligraphy 行書冊頁

ink on hemp paper
43 x 46 cm framed

Scholars analyzing ancient Chinese calligraphy of different dynasties.

唐以前書風內歛, 宋以後精神外拓, 豈惟書法淳醨不同, 亦世運升降之所由分也。惟蔡忠惠以敛才于法, 犹不失先民矩矱, 当为有宋第一, 然比之唐人亦已少松矣, 下此诸公各带习气, 去晋、唐风格日以远矣。(蔡君謨) 米老天才縱逸,東坡稱其超妙入神。雖氣質太重,不免子路初見孔子時氣象,然出入晉、唐,脫去滓穢,而自成一家。涪翁、東坡故當俯出其下。(米元章)山谷老人書多戰掣筆亦甚有習氣然超超元著比於東坡則格律清逈矣故當在東坡上(黃山谷)宋四家書皆出魯公而東坡得之為甚姿態艷溢得魯公之腴然喜用偃筆無古人清逈抜,俗之趣在宋四家中故當小劣耳(蘇東坡)



Jiangang Su (born in 1974), graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology in Arts and Crafts. He specializes in traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy and seal carving. In the 1980s, he studied under Mr. Yan Gongda, a famous calligrapher and seal carver. Su is also an experienced art educator. His works are collected internationally and appear in the private collections of many art institutions and galleries. In 2017 he served as the Art Director of the Canada 150th Anniversary International Tea Festival. Su is a member of Jiangsu Calligraphers Association, the Suzhou Calligraphers Association, and is a senior registered Teacher of China.

Artist interview and more information.

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